Mitchell-Bateman Hospital, a state
DHHR supported
psychiatric hospital is located in
West Virginia, USA.
It is a training site for future health care professionals attending over twenty colleges
and educational institutions in the tri-state area of southwestern West Virginia,
southeastern Ohio and northeastern Kentucky. Mildred Mitchell-Bateman
Hospital provides on-site learning experiences for educating physicians, nurses, practical
nurses, psychologists,, counselors, health care administrators, technicians and supportive
services personnel. In 1988, Mildred Mitchell-Bateman Hospital was initially
accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, and
certified by C.M.S (Medicare) in December 1990.
Mildred Mitchell-Bateman Hospital takes seriously
its responsibility for providing quality patient care and a
safe environment for its patients and staff. If anyone has
concerns about patient care or safety in the hospital that
have not been addressed, they are encouraged to contact the
hospital's at 304-525-7801, Extension 623. If the
concerns cannot be resolved through the hospital, the Joint
Commission's Office of Quality Monitoring should be
contacted to report concerns or register complaints. They
may be contacted by calling 1-800-994-6610 or web
page: Joint Commission |