Neo-Adult Program
As of March 1994, Mildred
Mitchell-Bateman Hospital designated up to 14 of its 90 beds for Neo-Adult Psychiatric
Program to provide therapy specifically designed for patients who have reached their
eighteenth birthday and have not attained the age of twenty-one when entering the program.
Patients with a primary psychiatric disorder are included. Specifically excluded are those
patients with exclusive substance abuse, severe organic mental disorders, or
developmental disorders. Entry is from the mental health centers and the mental hygiene
commissioners or on transfer from Sharpe Hospital in Weston, WV.
The Neo-Adult beds are on a coed wing of a 30-bed unit. The other beds
house patients twenty-one years of age or older with similar mental disorders. These are
semi-private rooms with a semi-private shower/bathroom. Many of the hospital's
facilities are shared by both populations; these include facilities on the unit, in the
dining room, and during some recreational and religious activities. The Mildred
Mitchell-Bateman Hospital milieu stresses healthy interactions with both sexes and all
adult ages. The Neo-Adult program, however, offers some separate group therapy and specialized
Transitions Program
The concept of a transition unit grew
out of several observations about the need for some patients to have a period of
hospitalization beyond the 14 to 30 days that seems adequate for most patients. When these
extended care patients remained in the units with acutely ill patient, it appeared that
the attention to the needs of both groups became compromised and neither group was
optimally served.
Patients may be referred to Unit 2 when:
1. They have improved to the extent that they are at
level 3 and approaching level 4, and
2. They show a need for further treatment in
psychosocial area and/or
3. They have not reached optimal response and need
further adjustment of
psychotropic medication, or
4. They have demonstrated early and/or frequent
relapse in the past when discharged
to the community.
This unit places emphasis in the following program areas:
Focused Groups - with close attention to re-socialization and
community skills
1. Group Therapy is available daily. In addition,
focused groups also occur in
accordance with the
identified needs of the patient population at any given time,
e.g. stress reduction
management of anger, self-injury, discharge issues.
2. On unit attention is geared to developing
independence with support in areas of
appearance, medication and
participation in unit as a community.
3. Off unit adjunctive
therapies that allow patient "everyday living," skill
development, appreciation for
variety of leisure time activities and recognition of
personal assets and